
Healing Insights

Explore these profound insights, born from Sionna’s experiences. Approach them with an open heart to discover guidance for your spiritual path.

Sionna Skye with moon in the palm in of her hands
My Goddess Yoga Journey

My Goddess Yoga Journey

Every Tuesday @ Sedonya: Awaken your inner goddess! Empowering movement, channeled guidance, and soulful dance in a sacred space.

Forget What You Know About Yoga

Forget What You Know About Yoga

Get ready to break free from the traditional yoga scene because we’re diving into the enchanting world of Goddess Yoga, the art of sacred and sensual movement! Now, we’ve got a couple of mantras here: “made by women, for women” and “what wants to come up, wants to...

Shadow Healing and Integration

Shadow Healing and Integration

Where do we put all our anger, frustration, self-loathing, and sadness? The repulsive energy, we deny, gets stored in a reservoir within our unconscious and sub-conscious programming called the shadow. We develop our shadow very early in life. With little to no...

Transform Your Story

Transform Your Story

A rapid healing process is aligned with a 5th-dimensional reality that transcends time and space. When we open to the imaginal and divine realms, we allow ourselves to transform at lightning speed. We often hear the phrase; you must slow down to speed up. This is true...

Burn for Something or Die for Nothing

Burn for Something or Die for Nothing

Finding time for our passions can be difficult. We have so many distractions pulling at us daily and our goals get pushed to the side and often forgotten. Listening to our inner voice helps ground and focus our energy, especially during chaotic times. Taking the time...

Creative Consciousness

Creative Consciousness

Creativity is not contained in our three-dimensional reality. Self-expression is the embodiment of our authentic soul essence. We don’t need to produce anything to be creative, our hearts and minds have the capability to go on amazing journeys during dream time, lucid...