
Shadow Healing and Integration

Where do we put all our anger, frustration, self-loathing, and sadness? The repulsive energy, we deny, gets stored in a reservoir within our unconscious and sub-conscious programming called the shadow. We develop our shadow very early in life. With little to no experience comprehending certain occurrences, we create coping mechanisms and walls within ourselves to keep us safe. Our fears should safeguard us from deathly hazards such as wild animals, Sadness, The silhouette of a teenage boy upset and covering his face as he sits in a dark tunnel.steep cliffs, and toxic plants. Instead, due to our persistent exposure to unpleasant encounters with other people, places, and things, our shadow often emerges in trivial ways.

Parents typically do not teach their children how to process ugly feelings, instead, they focus on fixing the problem, eliminating the “bad” emotion, and making everything better.  Only that doesn’t stop our brains from constructing a program that says, “I never want to experience that feeling again”. The next time it happens we tend to judge, resist, or control our environment to protect ourselves from this type of situation. This traps us in an infinite loop of avoidance. We focus on problem-solving or sarcasm to soothe our heavy hearts instead of sitting with our difficult emotions.

Societal standards keep us locked in a perpetual masked state. We hide our true selves to fit into a narrow construct deemed acceptable by our parents and peers. Our shadowperson with hat shadow encompasses the improper and shameful parts of ourselves we are not allowed to express. We then limit ourselves to passive-aggressive behaviors. Burying our sorrows and frustrations deeper into our consciousness, until eventually, it spills over into a fit of rage or sadness. Our anxiety and depression are a direct result of our forced conformity and rigidness. We are not meant to cage or repress our emotions and desires. It is not a sustainable model for our human experience. The height of our power is recognized when we incorporate our shadow self back into our consciousness and find creative outlets to unleash the potent energy.

We live in a world of duality. Our dark and light parts struggle to attain equilibrium as we continue to swing on the pendulum. Most people do not realize we must befriend our demons, love our darkness, and embrace the chaos within ourselves. Only then can we disarm our inner conflict and accept our wholeness. In my 5D Healing Method, I explain how healing begins when we face resistance to our struggles. The pain in our lives is typically obscured in our shadow self. To move through the first 3 stages of healing (resistance, ritual, and rebirth), we must set aside time and energy to embrace and integrate our darkness. Only then can we transmute the shadow energy and awaken our light body.

Spiritual or science background. Hand in vivid spaceA good analogy for this process can be found within our sexuality. When we feel the tension rise inside us, our animalistic spirit emerges. There is intrigue that develops once these feelings are unleashed. We embody our prowess thriving within our shadow and pursuing the feeling until the passion envelops us. The excitement erects our repressed energy to the surface until we climax. In simplistic terms, orgasms symbolize the release we derive from a fruitful shadow dance. The tension represents an increase in our dark essence and our energetic decline is the acceptance of our light, this process brings us into alignment with our totality.

To heal the shadow, we first become aware of our harmful patterns. Then we must uncover the core wounding, feel all the emotions from the event, and identify the specific sensations associated with these feelings. We ask ourselves why this pattern keeps showing up. What part of me enjoys playing the victim? Once we accept that we are a co-contributor to our recurring pain, we can offer ourselves (and others) forgiveness and gratitude for the lessons and growth we gained from the experience.

Of course, this is a simplistic breakdown of shadow work. If it is your first time doing shadow work or trauma is involved, I highly suggest using an experienced practitioner to guide you through the process. I have spent 12 years doing shadow work and know from experience it can be messy and frightening, however, it is a very cathartic process that brings almost immediate transformation in our lives. If this sounds intriguing to you, I would be happy to guide you through a journey into your shadow. Please feel free to reach out and schedule an appointment when you are ready.