Sharing our knowledge, gifts, dreams, and opinions is a part of life. This enables us to lovingly provide the world with our truth. We all have something to contribute to the grand story of this time and place in history. Social media has a broad audience that includes diverse cultures, ages, races, religions, and genders. Miscommunication becomes inevitable at times as we navigate this information highway. We get trapped in our limited perceptions and are provided minimal options for elaboration. What we put out there will most definitely come back, as every action has an equal reaction. Therefore, it’s important to stay conscious and share from a place of love and respect if we wish to see that kindness returned.
Seeking an audience from friends on social media is limited and won’t satisfy our need for connection. If we want real fulfillment we work with the divine, our ancestors, spirit guides, higher self, or animal guides. When we seek out strangers and false friends on the internet, we need to be careful about our intentions. We can ask, what do I expect to gain from this experience? If acceptance and admiration are the answer, then you may want to reframe your desires. The internet is a place to share, not a place to seek validation. It will never complete us or make our hearts sing, it will in fact create a deeper chasm of disconnection and separation within us. So, it is important to be careful with our hearts. Social media can be a beautiful place if we don’t take it too seriously. Not everyone will harmoniously interact with us and that is ok, just remember to stay sovereign. When we own our power and build up a strong foundation through our source connection, no one can tear down our self-image.
Authenticity is attractive, no two people are the same and we all gravitate toward different quirks. We lose our way when we transform into a stereotypical boxed version of ourselves to increase market sales or “likes”. To remember the essence of our sharing experience, we should find a way to stay heart-centered. I’m not saying all our sharing must be positive because our experience isn’t always about love and light. There are very important stories that must be told in their raw unadulterated form that highlight our hardships and roads to redemption. Just keep in mind, the reaction to these stories can vary. This is the reason many people chose to share their pain with a mass audience in an anonymous fashion. It creates a barrier, so we do not take the criticism personally.
The easiest way to share from the heart is to keep it light, filled with laughter, passion, purpose, and inspiration. Sharing the best version of ourselves to a mass audience will provide the best results. To do this we must explore our natural talent and style. We cannot compare ourselves to anyone else. We must let our souls spill through our hearts to share our divine essence.