

Ritual work is essential in our healing process. We must incorporate our stories into an actionable process so we can watch the story play out in real time.  This allows us to become witnesses and uncover the hidden dis-ease in our lives.

women around a fire during ceremony
Shamanic Drum Journeys

Shamanic Drum Journeys

Shamanic drum journeys have been practiced by indigenous cultures around the world for centuries as a means of spiritual exploration and healing. Repetitive drumbeats induce a trance-like state that allows us to enter the realm of the spirit world and connect with our...

Fire Ceremony

Fire Ceremony

A fire ceremony is a ritualistic practice that involves using fire as a symbol of transformation, renewal, and purification. It is a spiritual practice that has been used for centuries by different cultures around the world, including Native American, Hindu, and...

Pineal Gland Activation

Pineal Gland Activation

The pineal gland is seen as a gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual experiences. It is found near the pituitary gland and Hypothalamus and produces melatonin which affects circadian rhythms and reproductive hormones. Ancient religions and cultures relate the...

Spiritual Mirror Work

Spiritual Mirror Work

Spiritual mirror work is a powerful practice to connect with our inner selves, heal emotional wounds, and promote personal growth. When we develop our inner world, our outer world begins to change. We start having more positive experiences as we literally begin to see...

Following the Moon Phases

Following the Moon Phases

The moon is a constant reminder of the cyclical nature of life. Representing our divine dance between the light and darkness within ourselves. The moon's phases have been revered and observed for thousands of years by people from all over the world. The moon was the...

Spiritual Baths

Spiritual Baths

Spiritual baths have been used for centuries by various cultures and religions to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit. It is believed that these baths can help to remove negative energy and promote spiritual growth while restoring inner peace and creativity. When you...