During stressful times our minds and bodies panic; we can feel scattered and disconnected. The more we resist our reality the more our separation and anxiety are enhanced. Using alcohol or drugs encourages us to run from our problems while grounding stabilizes our energy to endure all things.
Our society has an addiction to escapism. This belief that relaxing should involve avoiding our feelings continues a trend of repression in our lives. Why are we allowing ourselves to withdraw from our highest path? The truth is society invests in a magic pill or drink to solve our problems rather than helping us seek the source of our conflict and embrace a path of healing.
We’ve been sold lies that we are weak and disconnected from one another. Getting high off drugs and alcohol may help you feel connected for a short period of time, but then it wears off and offers no lasting solutions. Soon a need arises to get high again because otherwise you will come down and feel all your emotions plus lowered serotonin levels.
We have other options like meditating, breathing exercises, sharing with a friend, finding a passion project, or doing something creative. Returning to our inner self awards us the beauty of aligning with our higher calling. Our soul’s path is a spiral. We come back again to revisit the past, so we can awaken our brightest future.
The most important discovery, however, is opening to the source of our fear and separation. Why do we abandon our feelings and descend into chaos? More than likely our past haunts us and daily we try to forget it without much success. We must remember, our pain isn’t born from society or other people. We cause our own agony when we refuse to face our issues and change the narrative once and for all.
Owning our essence and integrating our inner child isn’t always easy to accomplish by ourselves. This is when we seek the guidance of a trained professional in the healing arts. Through energy healing support we can overcome our fears to move forward with a healthy self-image and lasting relationships built on trust and compassion.