
Healing Emotional Pain

Pain has a story, we either listen for the lesson or we suffer. When discomfort arises in our lives, we have an opportunity to understand the purpose of the conflict and seek a resolution. Often our first reaction is to resist any hardship. We must consciously break that pattern and accept our unease for the healing to begin. Balance comes when we recognize, patience and endurance are necessary to persevere.

Pleasure can overrule the sensation of pain when we allow the two energies to hold space together. The conflict arises when our mind spirals into worry. Down the rabbit hole, we go until we lose sight of the light. When the darkness envelopes us, our hope dissipates, and we dismiss the possibility of a positive outcome. This is where hyper-awareness and impeccable intent becomes essential. Focus on the outcome you want to see occur; we live in a like-attracts-like reality, what you put out into the universe you will get back.

When we prolong anguish in our life, we are usually fulfilling a victim or petty tyrant role. Pain is recognized when we admit we are off balance, physically, emotionally, spiritually, or mentally. Metaphorically speaking, we find ourselves at a low point digging our way out of a hole. The pain continues as we fight our way back to the top of the mountain and our pleasure arrives when we allow ourselves to skip back down. Our lives are constantly changing and there’s always another mountain. That is the divine dance of life. Instead of looking straight ahead and enjoying the scenery, we continue to worry about reaching the next pivotal point, losing all enjoyment for each moment. We get wrapped up in the stories we create and the drama all around us. The truth is we are not interested in being happy or feeling satisfied. We are concerned with being right and looking good.

We only know the true essence of pleasure through our ability to recognize pain. Once we can fully accept the pain in our lives, we can begin to invite pleasure to meet it and ideally transmute the old energy into liberation from our past story. Our pain shouldn’t be who we are, we must discover the source of our issues before we can begin to heal. Vulnerability in our suffering awakens us to our story, allowing our truth to emerge.