
Healing Emotional Pain in Relationships

Our relationships mirror how we feel internally. If we are a victim on the inside, we portray entitlement in our relationships. If we are entitled on the inside, we portray victimhood in our relationships. The key is recognizing our tendencies and owning our mistakes, then we can begin to change our behaviors and relationship patterns.

We are products of societal standards. We make clear distinctions between right and wrong. The enemies of the state are persecuted, and the heroes are vindicated. Everyone’s ego is pining for a piece of the praise. People feel disconnected and abandoned when this recognition is not attained. This is when worthlessness and depression can consume us and our true pain in life is imagined. We as humans reach out to our friends for help and the first reaction is sympathy, not empathy. Sympathy is a negative feeling, it says poor you, “I feel bad for you”. Think about that statement, is that really something you want to do? Feel bad for someone else? No, we want to be empathetic and hold a space of love for that person to process their feelings, but many of us don’t know how to listen to another individual. Our concern (worry) and need to fix things outweigh our ability to be truly caring.

Recognizing the beauty in another’s struggles awakens our true compassion. It’s best to give someone the opportunity to play out their story instead of trying to be a hero. Saving people is a fool’s game. It is important to let others save themselves. This is the path of true empowerment. When we all take inventory and accept everyone’s happiness is a choice in each moment, the world can begin to heal itself.

Healing is available when you invite positive energy into your space of possibilities. To do that you must first accept the pain as it is and focus on the solution you seek rather than the problem. This requires a certain amount of humility. We must understand that we are entitled to nothing. The world doesn’t owe us happiness, acceptance, or even love. These are things we must give to ourselves to find pleasure in life. Once we do, we can change not only our lives but the lives of everyone around us.