
Forget What You Know About Yoga

Get ready to break free from the traditional yoga scene because we’re diving into the enchanting world of Goddess Yoga, the art of sacred and sensual movement! Now, we’ve got a couple of mantras here: “made by women, for women” and “what wants to come up, wants to come out.” But when I’m introducing new queens to this practice, I hit them with a bombshell – “forget what you know about yoga!”

I know, I know, yoga is right there in the name, and it might throw you for a loop. But hear me out. Sure, we use some traditional yoga poses in our sessions, but that’s where the familiarity takes a little detour. We’re not just a class; we’re a full-on journey, an experience like no other. I even shy away from calling it a class because it’s more than that – it’s a sacred space where we cook up a potion of confidence, connection, and healing.

Sionna Skye dancing in nature in her goddess dressIn Goddess Yoga, it’s all about letting loose your inner wild woman. We’re not just doing yoga; we’re embracing divine feminine magic by activating our sacral and heart chakras. The custom playlists enhance the fun by featuring playful songs with often deep messages. The music follows a bell curve; climaxing with a free dance and followed by a shadow dance before slowing down. Picture this: it’s like a dance party for your soul, where every move is a celebration of your divine femininity.

Welcome to Goddess Yoga. Let’s embark on this journey & let the magic unfold!

Included in the Goddess Yoga Experience

  1. Tap into Your Inner Goddess: Picture a space where you can just be you – that’s what we’re creating.
  2. Heart-to-Heart Moments: Gather ’round, and let’s chat. No judgment, just good vibes and understanding.
  3. Dance Like Nobody’s Watching: Stress? Dance it off! Free-style dance is on the menu.
  4. A Whiff of Goodness: Essential oils, anyone? Get ready for a sensory journey to enhance your yoga bliss.
  5. Breathe Easy with Kundalini Magic: We’ve got this cool Kundalini Breath of Fire thing – it’s like a breath of fresh air for your soul.
  6. Sing Your Heart Out: Unleash your voice with throat chakra exercises and singing. Spoiler alert: it’s fun!
  7. Goddess-Style Yoga Moves: Think circular motions that open your heart and sacral chakras. It’s like a dance party, but with yoga moves.
  8. Chill Prompts for Mind-Body Bliss: Kick back with gentle and sensual prompts to connect mind, body, and spirit.
  9. Dance with Your Shadows: Dive into the deep stuff – it’s all about embracing your true self.
  10. Wrap It Up with Zen Vibes: End the session with some cool exercises and a 5–10-minute sound healing session. Pure bliss!